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To our valued clients

Covid 19 – what we've learnt

Here at Greenwich Psychology, we take the health of those that use our services very seriously - both mental and physical. Since the emergence of coronavirus (COVID-19) the way we work has radically changed!

During the lockdown we have been fortunate enough to be able to offer our therapeutic services via Zoom and phone.

What we've learnt:

  • To embrace technology and IT – we discovered that working online can be just as beneficial as face to face. As clinicians we love seeing our clients face to face – now we've learnt a new way to create a strong connection and help people change.

  • Being flexible – learning to maintain the feeling of safety and connection, without the physical contact. 

  • The importance of self-care – for both our clients, and ourselves; learning to create a routine and maintaining physically active. 

  • To see this challenge, like many we face in our lives, as an opportunity for growth and development.

If you need our help in this trying time, please do reach out to us using the contact form or call us on 0207 099 8267

Returning to the Clinic

On our weekly Zoom call we have been brainstorming the ways to keep you mentally as well as physically healthy, when we get the opportunity to return to the clinic

  • Rethink our physical setup – At Greenwich psychology we are blessed with beautiful, spacious rooms where it is easy to ensure that the therapist and client are maintaining the recommended 2m distance.

  • Manage the number of people in the clinic at any given time – we are scheduling our sessions to leave sufficient time between appointments to minimise any interaction between you and other clients.  

  • Maintain online therapy for some sessions - our session could be on or offline, depending on your preference.  We would like to see you in person for the first session. 

  • Maintain strict hygiene – we have facilities to wash your hands and our clinicians clean the rooms between each client.

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  • ‘FACE COVID’; a set of practical steps for responding effectively to the Corona crisis, using the principles of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).

  • Insighttimer: free app for sleep, anxiety and stress - world's largest collection of free guided meditations, with over 30,000 titles.

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