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Couples Therapy

Overcome relationship distress, gain a better understanding of each other and learn how to communicate productively. Individual and joint sessions structured to improve and enrich your relationship.

We offer structured, highly effective CBT based couples therapy covering all aspects of couple dynamics, from pre-marital advice to helping couples dealing with health problems.

Relationship distress

Common causes of relationship distress include

  • difficulties communicating with each other 

  • a breakdown in trust as a result of an affair or other transgressions

  • financial or family pressures,

  • sexual difficulties 

  • a lack of consensus on key decisions such as the distribution of household chores,

  • the amount of time you spend together

  • how you raise your children.


Couples therapy can help you to learn tools to help you to communicate and understand each other better.

Relationship enrichment

Some couples have fulfilling and secure relationships but may want to make these even better. We provide bespoke services to help you achieve this.

Pre-marital advice

As part of forming a long term commitment with your partner you may feel that you could benefit from some advice and education to give your marriage a healthy start. 

Communication Skills

The team at Greenwich Psychology can help you to identify the common communication traps that everybody can fall into

Contact us for a free phone assessment

Please use the contact form to let us know how we can help you.

Alternatively you can​ email us:
Or call us on 0207 099 8267 

Couples dealing with psychological difficulties

When your partner is experiencing any kind of emotional distress such as anxiety or depression it can often be difficult to know how to support them; you may feel that anything you say or do is misinterpreted or not understood.


This can create distance in the relationship and lead to communication difficulties which can very quickly become a source of resentment.


Couples therapy can help you to learn tools to help you to support and understand each other better.

Couples dealing with physical health problems

The presence of a physical health condition can challenge even the most stable relationship. Previously pre-defined roles in the relationship may very quickly change and you may find yourself struggling to cope with this confusion.  


Trying to manage your partner’s anxieties as well as your own can become a source of stress. Your partner may inform you that you are not doing enough or too much.


Our couple’s therapy service supports both partners to work together as a team to support each other through this transition. We have experience of working with a number of health conditions such as Diabetes, Cancer, Chronic pain and Obesity.

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